Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Self Portrait: Charcoal

  My goals and intentions for this artwork were to see the lights and darks in my own facial features instead of looking at "an eye as an eye." I accomplished this by starting with the light of my brow bone and then filling in the eye and basing everything of that eye. I was surprised with my ability to do the hair. It was difficult to base things off the eye since I made it so large. I met this challenge my measures the other facial features with a pencil. I experienced left to right brain shift by looking at the shapes and turning the photo upsides down while doing the sketch. I think my drawing really works in the mouth and nose area. I learned to not be afraid to do hair and can now incorporate that into my next pieces. I learned from Jess because although her drawing was not necessarily realistic, It still had her look and was a really cool piece of art. If I had a do-over, I would base more things off the nose and mouth like i did for the david sketch so my eye wouldn't be so disproportional. I think the best many of my artwork is the mouth.

Hand and Cake Prints