Tuesday, December 4, 2018

In an Orb: Final Project

 My goals and intention with this piece were to create a distorted image by looking in a christmas ornament. I accomplished this by using a bright pink color that i then layered with charcoal. I was surprised to see how well the distorted hand came out. It was most difficult to draw from life and pick out the lights and darks. I met this challenge by changing the lighting. I experienced right brain shift by really looking at the size and placement of the image. I think my drawing really works in its movement. I learned that detail isn't everything. I can bring in working on colored paper as i really liked how it turned out. I learned from zoe as her drawing looking like space even though she was in the auditorium and I really like that. If I had a do-over, I would be less sketchy with all my lines. I think the best thing about this piece is the movement it evokes.

Hand and Cake Prints